Monday, October 27, 2008

Stop kidding yourself, America.

Home of the brave, land of the free.
Mecca of justice, epitome of integrity.
You were a beacon of hope to those who craved a second chance at life.
You championed, you cheered, you inspired,
Anybody who wanted to be somebody, could, in America.
Anybody who wanted to make an honest day's living, did, in America.

But not once did anybody stop to question why this was so.
Despite the insatiable curiosity of its scientists and inventors, they didn't think it worth their while to be curious about the reason for America's success.
Stupid question.
"Everybody knows America's secret of success is that anybody can do as they please here. You can be what you want. You can think what you want. Nobody will judge you. Nobody will think lesser of you. America is successful because it allows its citizens true freedom. Everybody has a voice. And it is heard."

How incredibly blind.

America's obsession with its present success blinded it to its past.
So it refutes all claims to a 'Biblical' foundation.
It quotes thousands of sources to substantiate the 'fact' that the vast majority of the founding fathers weren't actually practicing Christians.
For if America was indeed to accept its founding fathers as God-fearing men, then that would be akin to shooting itself in the foot.
For America knows the filth it is wallowing in.
America knows it has betrayed the God who blessed it.

From being proud of being a nation built on Christ, America now distances itself from anything faintly Christian.
It has robbed God of His voice by throwing Him out of public schools.
And now it takes great pleasure in giving that voice to Pornographers, Gays and Lesbians.
And those who promote Greed under the guise of 'The Good Life'.
This is freedom, it says.
The freedom to be who you are and be proud of it.

Stop kidding yourself, America.
Stop being surprised that your financial system is going belly up.
That your children are killing their friends in school.
That your families are getting more and more dysfunctional.

I hate to tell you this, America;
but you asked for it.

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